
  1. Offers assistance with family justice matters including: separation and divorce, guardianship, parenting arrangements or contact with a child when there is a separation or divorce, child and spousal support, parenting after separation issues, and Family Law Ac...
  2. A lawyer in private practice funded by LABC provides the following services: takes applications for legal representation and refers eligible clients to lawyers; provides liaison between LABC, the community, and the private bar; directs clients to legal informa...
  3. Hears and makes rulings on legal disputes relating to criminal, civil, family, traffic, and bylaw matters. Hours for Court Registry are 9 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday. Duty counsel services are provided to coincide with what is occurring in court on any given d...
  4. Provides services to Aboriginal youth including child protection, family support, and probation. Provides mental health services to Aboriginal children and youth, including outreach and clinical support. Also facilitates family case planning conferences, famil...
  5. An alternative out-of-court process for less serious offences for youth and adults from Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities in Prince Rupert and surrounding region. Promotes reconciliation, repair, learning, and understanding in situations where crime, c...
  6. Promotes access to justice in BC by providing, coordinating, and fostering quality pro bono legal services for people and nonprofit organizations of limited means. Provides legal training, resources, and information to individuals and organizations facilitatin...
  7. Assists in the monitoring of adults on supervision orders with BC's Corrections Branch. Also liaises between Nisga'a communities and the Canadian justice system, encourages the revival of traditional Nisga'a ways of resolving conflict, and ensures Nisga'a comm...
  8. Serves victims of all types of crime, including those injured and bereaved by accused that are not identified or charged. Provides emotional support, advocacy, court orientation and accompaniment, form completion assistance, liaison with justice system personn...
  9. 22-bed community residential facility for Indigenous and non-Indigenous adult men on conditional release under the supervision of Correctional Service Canada. Supports include recreational programs, employment opportunities, and an Indigenous wellness program....
  10. Indigenous-focused community residential facility located 85 kilometres east of Prince George. Supports 16 adult male residents under the supervision of Correctional Service Canada. Cultural activities include an Indigenous wellness program, sweat lodge, and t...
  11. National advocacy organization representing First Nations citizens in Canada. Promotes the restoration and enhancement of the relationship between the Crown and the people of Canada, as manifested in treaties and other historical documents. Presents the views ...
  12. Hears and makes rulings on legal disputes relating to criminal, civil, family, traffic, and bylaw matters. Hours for Court Registry vary; call for details. Staff visit from Fort St John and Fort Nelson on designated days to hold court. Duty counsel services ar...
  13. Four-week, part-time program provides an opportunity for Aboriginal men and women to examine their relationship with family violence, and gain a deeper understanding of family violence and its impact on self, family, and community. Women's program runs 10 am t...
  14. Operates adult correctional centres in BC. Secure, medium, and specialized correctional centres provide appropriate levels of custody and core programming for offenders serving a provincial custodial sentence, accused persons awaiting trial, or immigration det...
  15. Provides open or secure custody of male and female youth who have been charged with or convicted of an offence. Services include a school program operated by the Burnaby School District, health care services, psychological services, alcohol and drug counsellin...
  16. Hears and makes rulings on legal disputes relating to criminal, civil, family, traffic, and bylaw matters. Hours for Court Registry are 9 am to 12 noon and 1 pm to 4 pm Monday to Friday. Duty counsel services are provided to coincide with what is occurring in ...
  17. A lawyer in private practice funded by LABC provides the following services: takes applications for legal representation and refers eligible clients to lawyers; provides liaison between LABC, the community, and the private bar; directs clients to legal informa...
  18. Native Courtworkers facilitate access to justice by assisting Indigenous people in conflict with the law who are involved in the criminal justice system to obtain fair, just, equitable and culturally sensitive treatment. Services include referral to legal serv...
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